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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Update #'s

Ok I know this post probable looks confusing so let me explain. Officially we are still #7 however we know that a referral was made right before Thanksgiving which makes us #6. Until these people do all the required paperwork needed to officially accept a referral they don't come off the list. So you can consider us to be 7 if ya wanna be all official and #6 if your like me and want this to move along. I know it hasn't been alot of movement this month but families are getting thru courts and traveling which is something to be thankful for. We are still hopeful that by christmas or soon after we will know who our son is.


nell ann said...

Hi Renee. I did get an email saying to expect a phone call sometime Wed-Fri. I certainly hope it comes sooner, rather than later because all that waiting is no fun. Kim Hull is the mom on the list between us and she asked me to pass along her email address (she doesn't blog) so here it is:

Send her a little hello!

Daisy said...

Renee, I've been stalking your blog and praying for you to move up the waiting list! We'll keep prayin'!

nell ann said...

There must be another person between us. Kim got her numbers today via email and she's 9 on the boys list. I'm going to ask Julie when I speak with her because in October I thought we were right in order, you-Kim-me. Maybe I was wrong? I'm so confused and a little sad. Boo.

jody said...

yeah, those numbers seem sort of silly all the sudden don't they??? What the heck?? Are we at number 3 and 4, or LOWER??? Ack! I was not expecting this for some reason-yikes!!! I was on the verge of tears about it all, too-not upset, just so much emotion in this process that sometimes it just spills out I think!! The only thing I keep reminding myself though, is that we could still not hear anything till like February,after all, is IS international adoption and we all know it is full of twists and turn. I think it keeps me from getting too anxious about the referral-for now :)

Brian and Autumn said...

Thanks...I totally missed that. I have to admit I have been slacking on my number stalking. Ok, so some people just posted to the list serve about another boy referral yesterday. That makes you 5 right???!!! I remember hitting 5 is when it finally started sinking in :)

Kristi J said...

ok, so not much movement until last would that put you??? so exciting...I THINK that would put us at #6 for a girl, maybe...I'm bad at figuring these number things, kristi

Kristi J said...

that is so're moving quickly..I'm sitting by my phone still waiting for my call..I still haven't heard anything...I can't wait for someone to call me, kristi

nell ann said...

As of yesterday, we were officially number 8 (the referral had been accepted) so that should make you officially number 6. As for the other referrals which are still all unofficial, you know your numbers are probably lower. Just wanted to let you know something for sure!
