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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One week away from Court & other important stuff.

Ok so we are one week away from court and I have a long list in my head of things I still need to do. Maybe I should put the list on paper where its harder to ignore. I'm learning alot about myself in this process because I truly never realized what a procrastinator i was. I mean I know I put off things that aren't fun but this is good stuff right. Packing for our trip to bring home our baby i should be all over that. Maybe a tiny part of me is still guarding my heart. What if we don't pass and i have those suitcases sitting there all packed and we don't get to go yet? So yeah it seems that i'm probable gonna be a crazy woman trying to run and get everything done once we know travel dates. One thing I can't put off any longer. People have asked about donations for Hannah's Hope. How to donate and what kinds of things are needed. To answer the first question Donations should be sent directly to me either items or monatary donations for me to buy items and then we will take them with us when we travel . So yeah i should have already done this because we might not have alot of time left. As for items that are needed I will post the list. If you would like to help out in any way let me know and I can give you my address if you need it.
The staff and children at Hannah's hope will be greatful for anything you choose to send.

Items needed the most are:
- diapers (all sizes)
- wipes
- 4 oz avent bottles- lids and nipples
- bouncy seats

Other items needed:
- bibs
- hand sanitizer
- kleenex boxes
- infant & children's vitamins
- formula
- diaper rash cream
- baby shampoos & baby oil
- blow up balls/outside toys
- sidewalk chalk
- bubbles
- children's dvds & cds
- men & women's deodorant
-good quality electric shaver

-scrubs (for the special mothers who take care of the children)
-baby clothing
-infant - 8 mos
-light jackets or sweaters for all ages
-boys clothing for ages 6-10 yrs old
-girls clothing for ages 6-13 yrs old
-underwear for all ages
-shoes for all ages - crocs are great


Troy said...

1 week ... can't wait to hear the good news next week :)

Maria and Family said...

I am praying that I will hear you screaming the good news via the web!!!!! i do have you little ones pics so no worries he has a few hugs coming. ;)